Performance Criteria
Exemplary Performance
High Quality Performance
Adequate Performance
Improvement Needed
Consistently addresses the issues raised in the discussion room. Conveys extensive evidence of a personal perspective to the issues raised.
Addresses the issues raised in the discussion room most of the time. Conveys some evidence of a personal perspective.
Addresses the issues raised in the discussion room some of the time with a limited personal perspective.
Writes comments in the discussion room, but does not address the questions posed.
Does not attempt to address the questions posed.
Responds reflectively to the content of other learners’ comments.
Responds to the content of other learner’s comments.
Provides minimal reflection on the comments of others.
Enters a comment that does not apply to the discussion.
Does not attempt to respond to other learners’ comments.
Clearly expresses arguments, opinions, and responses connected to the content area. Consistently provides a rationale for the response.
Expresses arguments, opinion, and responses connected to the content area. Occasionally provides a rationale for the response.
Seldom provides arguments, opinion, or responses connected to the content area. Rarely provides a rationale for the response.
Opinions, arguments, and responses are not connected to the content area and no rationale is provided for the response.
Does not attempt to justify own responses.
Provides 90% - 100% of the required responses.
Provides 80% - 89% of the required responses.
Provides 70% to 79% of the required responses.
Provides 60% to 69% of the required responses.
Provides less than 60% of the required responses.
Writes using classroom etiquette. Message is conveyed clearly and intelligibly.
Writes with classroom etiquette, but message is sometimes unclear.
Writing sometimes lacks tact or is often unclear.
Writing frequently lacks tact and is often unclear.
Leaner does not provide comments in the online course discussion area.
Overall Score:
Grade Equivalent: