Browse to https://my.uttc.edu/ics. Enter your User Name (student ID number) and Password you received from UTTC. If you do not have your login information contact onlinetech@uttc.edu for assistance.



After you log into My UTTC click on the Personal Info link next to your name where it says Welcome back (Your Name). Click on the Password tab; type in your old password, type in the new password, then retype the new password for confirmation, click Save. You may also include a Password Hint. Click on Password Hint at the bottom left corner, Type in the Hint Question and the Answer. Click Save.


If you added a password hint question and answer you can reset your password on your own. Go to My UTTC and enter your User Name and select I forgot my password to the right of the Login button. Type in the answer to your challenge question and select Send New Password. A screen stating an e-mail message with your new password was sent will appear. Your password will then be reset and sent to your e-mail account listed on your profile. Then go into Personal Info to change your password.


1.) First log onto My UTTC.
2.) You can use the My Courses drop down in the Quick Links box on the lower left hand side.
(click to enlarge) 

3.) Another method you can use is to select the Academic Programs tab, then look at the All My Courses section on the right side of the screen.
(click to enlarge) 

4.) If you do not see your courses in the My Courses drop down use the Course Search function to access them. You can enter the Course Title, Code, Faculty Last Name in the fields provided. It's very important to select the correct Term using the drop down.
(click to enlarge) 


Select My Courses on the lower left hand side and enter one of your classes.

The Main Page displays a course calendar and general information about the class.
Course Information shows instructor information, email address, and their schedule.
Syllabus will show you which text book(s) are used, course objectives, and course requirements.
Attendance will show which sessions you have participated in.
Orientation is a introduction to the course and includes valuable resources available to you.
Coursework lists the assignments and allows you to upload your work.

Collaboration and Discussion Forum
are threaded discussions. This allows students and faculty to interact by posting questions and answers back and forth to one another. Click on the topic to view the posting. Click on add a thread to post a response. Documents may be attached to the response. To reply to someone else’s thread, click on the title of the thread and click Reply. In the upper right corner, you have an option to view threads either as a Single Message View or Multiple Message View.
Coursemates lists all the students and faculty for the course. This is where the students will be able to e-mail all or selected students within that course.

contain the instruction for each unit.

Handouts for the course may be posted in MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, or PDF formats. Click on the name of the handout and click Open. It then may be saved or printed. If these programs are not available on the computer, click on the File Tools button to download a free viewer (Some Mac viewers are also available).


NOTE: Downloading a Viewer

If the required program is not available on the computer to view a handout, such as Microsoft Word, click on Handouts, click on File Tools, click on the icon of the free viewer needed and follow the directions for the download. When the installation is finished, documents will be available for viewing in the viewer type that was just downloaded.


Here’s what you do to make your browser work properly to reply in the forums.

  • Click on Menu bar to enable.
  • Now open the Tools dropdown at the top. Select Compatibility View.

Information coming soon!

This is intended to assist UTTC students, faculty, and staff in using the UTTC web-based email system. Below are links to two different "help" or "tutorial" documents intended to demonstrate the proper methods for logging into the UTTC Student and Faculty/Staff email system, as well as how to use the "Outlook Web Access" web-based email interface.

Student Webmail Help Documents:

    Instructions for logging into the Student email system.
    Single-page document with step-by-step instructions on how to log in.