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Continuing Education - CEU
Cultural EnrichmentPersonal Interest and Growth
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Sections in this Course
Cultural EnrichmentPersonal Interest and Growth
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CEU 204 A - CEDAR WorkshopPersonal Interest and Growth
CEU 204 A - Culturally Responsive Pedagogy
CEU 204 A - Flute WokshopPersonal Interest and Growth
CEU 204 A - Museums Not Just for StoragePersonal Interest and Growth
CEU 204 B - CEDAR Workshop IIPersonal Interest and Growth
CEU 204 B - Flute WorkshopPersonal Interest and Growth
CEU 204 B - Growing a Tribal CollegePersonal Interest and Growth
CEU 204 B - The Role of Smudging in PromotingSuccess of Native American First Ge
CEU 204 C - Buried Treasure at UTTCPersonal Interest and Growth
CEU 204 C - Flute WorkshopPersonal Interest and Growth
CEU 204 C - Tribal Arts 112
CEU 204 D - Flute workshopPersonal Interest and Growth
CEU 204 D - Ochethi Sakowin Language 101
CEU 204 D - Talkin Indian: L/Dakota OratoryPersonal Interest and Growth
CEU 204 E - Ochethi Sakowin Language 102
CEU 204 F - Ochethi Sakowin Language 103
CEU 204 G - Video Creation
CEU 204 H - Exploring Language Archives
CEU 204 I - Oceti Sakowin Language I
CEU 204 J - Language III
CEU 204 K - Teaching Methods
CEU 204 L - Speaking Lab
CEU 204 M - Grammar
CEU 204 N - Grammar
CEU 204 O - Teaching Methods
CEU 204 P - Oceti Sakowin Language I
CEU 204 Q - Speaking Lab
CEU 204 R - Language 103
CEU 204 S - Oceti Sakowin Language I
CEU 204 T - Oceti Sakowin Language II
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Cultural EnrichmentPersonal Interest and Growth
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Sections in this Course
CEU 204 A - CEDAR WorkshopPersonal Interest and Growth
CEU 204 A - Culturally Responsive Pedagogy
CEU 204 A - Flute WokshopPersonal Interest and Growth
CEU 204 A - Museums Not Just for StoragePersonal Interest and Growth
CEU 204 B - CEDAR Workshop IIPersonal Interest and Growth
CEU 204 B - Flute WorkshopPersonal Interest and Growth
CEU 204 B - Growing a Tribal CollegePersonal Interest and Growth
CEU 204 B - The Role of Smudging in PromotingSuccess of Native American First Ge
CEU 204 C - Buried Treasure at UTTCPersonal Interest and Growth
CEU 204 C - Flute WorkshopPersonal Interest and Growth
CEU 204 C - Tribal Arts 112
CEU 204 D - Flute workshopPersonal Interest and Growth
CEU 204 D - Ochethi Sakowin Language 101
CEU 204 D - Talkin Indian: L/Dakota OratoryPersonal Interest and Growth
CEU 204 E - Ochethi Sakowin Language 102
CEU 204 F - Ochethi Sakowin Language 103
CEU 204 G - Video Creation
CEU 204 H - Exploring Language Archives
CEU 204 I - Oceti Sakowin Language I
CEU 204 J - Language III
CEU 204 K - Teaching Methods
CEU 204 L - Speaking Lab
CEU 204 M - Grammar
CEU 204 N - Grammar
CEU 204 O - Teaching Methods
CEU 204 P - Oceti Sakowin Language I
CEU 204 Q - Speaking Lab
CEU 204 R - Language 103
CEU 204 S - Oceti Sakowin Language I
CEU 204 T - Oceti Sakowin Language II