Mon-Wed-Fri, 9:00 AM - 9:50 AM (1/12/2015 - 5/8/2015) Location: MAIN SCITC 230
Tue, 8:00 AM - 9:50 AM (1/12/2015 - 5/8/2015) Location: MAIN SCITC 215
Students will advance through the levels of organization to learn systemic Anatomy and Physiology. Specific focus will be on the following systems: nervous, endocrine, blood, circulatory, lymphatic, digestive, respiratory, urinary, and reproductive, as well as an emphasis on pregnancy and development. Students will begin to acquire detailed knowledge of the contribution of these systems and to the function and anatomy of the human body. This knowledge will provide the basis for understanding levels of organization, support, movement, integration and coordination of the body, as it works together to form the entire human biology.