Cohort B Fall 2010, ASC 099 B - Prep Math

Syllabus for: Cohort B College Steps – Fall 2010


Course Number:          ASC 099 B Preparatory Math for College Study & Lab


Course Title:                Prep Mathematics for College Study


Text:                            Basic College Mathematics 8th edition by



Instructor:                    Anthony LaFromboise

Office: Ed. Blg. # B-13 (basement)

Phone:  255-3285 ext. 1287


Office Hours:  Check door schedule at office.

Classes start:                          October 18th 2010

Classes end:                           December 15th 2010

Class Times:                            M, T, W (Lab.), R, & F

Class location & room #:         Ed. Blg. # B-14 (basement)


Location:                    Educational Building, Room B-14 (basement)

Class days:                 MTW(lab)RF

Time:                          4:00 PM – 6:00 6M


Course Description:

A study of computational skills; addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of whole numbers, fractions, decimals, and percents will be covered in this course.


Course Objectives:

Prepare students for admission into General Math 101.



Grades will be determined by class participation, worksheets, surveys, and written assignments. 5% of total assigned points will be added to final grade calculations for students that have missed less than 5 class hours.  Missed hours can be made up at the discretion of the instructor.  Each problem will be assigned 1 point, corrected problems will be worth ½ point.  Assignments and corrected work must be turned in 2 weeks after being assigned or will be given a 0, unless arrangements were made with the instructor in advance, in writing.


Grades will be as follows:         A         100-90

                                                B         89-80

                                                C         79-70

                                                D         69-60

                                                F          59-0

Student materials needed:

Notebook paper, pencils, text, and calculators.




Much of the content of this course occurs in class. All absences will have a negative impact on your final grade as you miss lecture, group discussion, and work completed during your absence. 

The instructor of this course will count the learner fully absent from class if they arrive fifteen (15) minutes after the posted start time. 

All absences regardless of situation are noted as unexcused in the Jenzabar system. 

It is understood that things occur that are out of your control and one cannot be prepared for the unexpected.  Therefore, if you are aware of an upcoming absence or if an unexpected event occurs and you are unable to contact your instructor a “note of absence” a will be provided within Jenzabar that states your reason for an absence.  Notable absences are granted only for the following reasons:

  • personal illness,
  • the illness of a dependent,
  • the death or funeral of an immediate family member,
  • or required attendance at an official college activity


Work or activities for other classes are not excused. To be classified as excused, the absence must be officially documented (for example, an illness must be documented by a doctor’s note). If you will be absent due to trips or conferences (i.e. AIHEC) sponsored by the college, you must notify your instructor in writing (not by email) no later than one week prior to the absence so we can work out schedule rearrangements. You will not be penalized for official absences.                   


Make-Up and Late Work Policy:

Each student is responsible for obtaining the necessary information required in the event of an absence.  It is the student’s responsibility to contact one of the other students to obtain information concerning assignments, handouts, and any changes or announcements. 


Make-up tests/quizzes are not allowed unless arrangements have been made with the instructor prior to the scheduled time for the test.  See “Assignment Descriptions” for more information.


The assignments and course requirements must be completed by the due date.  Late work will not receive full credit.  If the assignment is not handed in by the end of the day of which it is due a zero will be given for the assignment. All late work (which has been arranged with the instructor) must be personally handed to the instructor.  The amount of points deducted for late work is at the discretion of the instructor.

Withdrawal from Class:
Student must first meet with instructor prior to official withdrawal from class.   

Cell Phones

In respect to the other students, instructor, and yourself it is advised that cell phones are turned off during class times.  If the student is expecting an important phone call (case worker, housing, clinic) they must inform the instructor ahead of time and place their cell phone to a silent ring.  If such a phone call is received the student should answer the call by quietly removing him or herself from the classroom. 

Extra-curricular Activities:
If you are involved in extracurricular activities, you must be keeping up with your studies or the instructors will not approve travel.  Our job is to ensure that you are attending classes and completing assignments successfully. If you choose to participate in extracurricular activities, time away from campus will be counted toward your maximum number of excuses absences allowed.

Pregnancy Clause:

In the event a student is absent due to pregnancy, all of the assignments missed are due no later than three weeks (21 calendar days) after the delivery date of the baby.  In the event of extraordinary circumstances, the student must make arrangements with the instructor prior to the end of the three-week period.

A Note for students with Disabilities:


We value you as a person and want you to succeed in your academic endeavors.  If you have a disability that may impact your ability to carry out assigned course work, please contact either your Vocational Advisor or Tammy Kelsch the Disability Support Services Coordinator/Special Education Instructor located in room 215 of the Jack Barden Center, ext. #1465.  Together, with you, we will determine what accommodations are necessary and appropriate to ensure your success.  All information and documentation of disability is confidential.


Special Assistance:
I am available by appointment.  If you have any questions or concerns, talk to me to make an appointment.  Don’t wait until the semester is almost over!


There are no Readings for this portlet.