Course Authorization

The Course Authorization portlet is available only if you have permission to do course authorizations.

The Course Authorization portlet allows persons with Faculty and/or Advisor roles to pre-approve an override to a registration error.  You can select a course and students for whom to provide authorization to register for the course even if the student has not met a course requisite, the course is full, or the student has a schedule conflict.  If you have the proper permissions, the Condition Type errors for which you can provide authorization are Capacity, Requisite, and Section Conflict.  You can also indicate your preference of criteria when doing a Name Search.

The default screen displays the following:


Set Options

The Set Options link allows you to change your personal options and indicate the options you would like to use when doing a Name Search.  You can also indicate which column in the Authorizations Granted table you would like to use for sorting when the Course Authorization Details screen opens.




Related Screens

A series of screens are also accessed through this portlet: