Donate now by calling (701) 221-1491

(To pay by credit card.)
Cash and Gift Pledge
Cash pledges should be made either in writing or by means of a pledge card. Pledge deductions cannot be claimed until the gift is made.

Matching Gift
Check to see if your employer (or spouse ’s employer) matches employee donations to qualified institutions like United Tribes Technical College.

Stocks and Bonds
Speak to your broker or financial advisor. Many donors use this convenient way to donate highly appreciated stocks to benefit the college and to provide substantial capital gains tax savings.

Real Estate
You can give private, commercial or agricultural property to United Tribes Technical College. If your property has decreased in value, you should consider selling it and contributing the proceeds to receive both capital loss and charitable gift deductions. We encourage you to contact us during the early stages of your planning so we can work together to decide the best use of this property by the College.

Where to Direct Your Gift
United Tribes Technical College is the official recipient for all gifts to the New Campus Campaign. Checks should be made payable to United Tribes Technical College, the property should be transferred to United Tribes Technical College, and property should be sold in the name of United Tribes Technical College.

  • You can mail a check to:

    United Tribes Technical College
    Attn: College Relations
    3315 University Dr.
    Bismarck, ND 58504

  • If you would like to make a donation in person the College Relations staff is available to meet with you during regular office hours or by appointment. Our office is located in Building 6 on the UTTC Campus and you can contact us by email at
  • Or you may give online in the Online Giving Section